Do your ads, websites, videos or newsletters seem too dull?
Are you sending messages that fall on deaf ears?
Adding a personal story to your copywriting transforms it into something powerful.

Recently in Australia, media attention focussed on the plight of farm animals exported live to counties like Indonesia, where the animals are subjected to cruel treatment that is considered barbaric and illegal in western countries.
Live export has gone on for a long time, and animal rights activists have opposed it with little success. In May 2011, charity Animals Australia took video footage of what happens to these animals.
Then they did something very smart. This is a lesson to anyone communicating anything important:
A personal story helps your audience relate to your message.
It is a simple concept and it can be done very quickly. It is not easy to do it well. Animals Australia did it very well when they introduced Brian. In their video, we see a dark-brown steer standing wobbly on a slippery floor in a big room…
“It was hard not to fall in love with Brian. He was a big, affable steer who was trying his best to keep out of trouble.”
This short, simple introduction gives a character to our subject and helps us relate to him. Next we see the final minutes of Brian’s life unfold in an abbatoir supported by Australian Government investments.
Without the introduction, any sane person will find this video horrifying.
With the narrator’s introduction of Brian, the video evokes empathy that is almost unbearable for anyone who has compassion for living creatures.
The introduction places you in Brian’s shoes. It focuses you right down on the emotions of his situaton. It highlights his fear and suffering. As a viewer, you can’t remain detached from his story.
Cynics would say this is manipulative. They’d say cattle don’t have names for a reason.
I’d say it is powerful communication. And I’d say that Brian, suffering immoral abuse, deserved a name.
This is an example of an important communication and copywriting concept being used well, for a good cause. Let me repeat it:
A personal story helps your audience relate to your message.
Every message can be made better by helping people relate on a personal level.
Every service has a personal experience.
Every issue has a personal impact.
Every product has a personal benefit or interest.
Find the personal story in what you write about.
Make it clear and snappy. Whether you are writing about candy, candidates or caskets, adding personal to your message gives it the POWER it deserves.
The video from Animals Australia is extremely disturbing.
Hopefully my description was clear enough.
I suggest you simply donate $30 to Animals Australia or your local SPCA and don’t watch the video.