Do you know a fantastic service provider who you trust and respect? A ‘service superhero’ who gives you everything you want and more? It might be a…

mortgage broker,
real estate agent,
massage therapist,
travel agent,
candlestick maker?
You can probably think of a perfect example – a time when outstanding service really made you sit up and take notice. Perhaps you have a mental list with many examples.
You probably remember the name and details for that service provider. (On the other hand, can you remember the name of the mediocre lunch place you visited sometime last year?)
Now, have you ever told your ‘service superhero story’ to colleagues, friends or family members?
Here’s one of my stories:
I’ve visited a Brisbane physiotherapist named David Brentnall. His expertise helped me solve a shoulder injury that seemed like it would never mend. He communicated clearly and patiently. He was thorough and not rushed. His expert, reasoned advice enabled me to take charge of my own recovery. I was fixed-up in no time, with only three visits to his office (plus a lot of homework).
Later, when friends had physical problems and needed a physio, I firmly recommended David. I know that three of those friends became loyal, enthusiastic clients for David. My friends and I know that David’s rates are not the lowest, but that has zero importance for us. It is about quality of service, trust and expertise.
This is the back-and-forth, one-two punch of relationship marketing – in action.
One: Excellent communication, outstanding service, trustworthy advice, exceeding expectations, and a personal touch with a bit of education thrown in.
Two: Loyal repeat business, higher per-client value, new referrals, less price-sensitivity among your clients, growing revenue.
(The only down-side to my story is that, several years along, now it’s much harder to get an appointment with David.)
Are YOU the fabled service provider for any of YOUR clients?
If you have 50 clients today, and you gain true ‘superhero status’ in the minds of each and every client, in a couple of years your clientele will double. And your revenue will triple.
In the service industry this can be done with no advertising, no mailouts, no PR…
Now image adding a few extra leads on top of that with some good integrated marketing!
Get your superhero cape tailored. Focus on relationship marketing and build your business on a foundation of INCREDIBLE service.