Writing unique ads for lots of adgroups can be a slow and tedious process, especially when you build a big AdWords campaign from scratch. Using keywords strategically in every ad – not ‘cheating’ with keyword insertion, which can result in sloppy-looking ads – is a lot of work. But it can save you money (and make you money)!
Here’s a simple solution I came up with working on a GOMCHA project……
First of all, you should be using Google’s AdWords Editor software. It is easy to use and saves a LOT of time. AdWords Editor includes features not available in the online AdWords interface (eg. drag and drop keywords among adgroups). Get AdWords Editor from Google, here.
But, even with AdWords Editor, writing dozens or hundreds of ads is a slow process.
The Solution
Using a simple spreadsheet you can:
- view and edit all of your new ads at once,
- copy and paste text between your ads, and
- check that your text fits into Google’s character limits.
When you are done, just save as a CSV file and import into AdWords Editor – voila! You’ve saved a lot of time.
–> Download the AdWords PPC Text Ad Writing Tool here, for free
(It is a no-nonsense download in .xls format.)
Note: This tool is not for first-time AdWords users. Best to get some experience with AdWords and AdWords Editor, then move on to this later when you need to write lots of ads.
Sheet 1 shows you the character count of each line in your new ads and helps you make new ad versions.
Sheet 2 has important tips for writing effective text ads for AdWords.
Sheet 3 has instructions for creating your ads and importing into AdWords Editor.